About Me

Hello. My name's Kavan Thompson! I'm a Graphic Designer based in Statesboro, Georgia. 
I graduated Georgia Southern as a Graphic Design major this past May, and I work there as a Graphic Designer and Technical Assistant for the Virtual Collaboration Center. Previously, I've also worked in Communications & Marketing. I've worked on vector & motion graphics, 3D modeling & rendering, and whatever else the Adobe suite offers, to advertise local activities/events/iconography on campus. Meanwhile, I dabble in pixel art, painting, UI design, vector art, and more. Now I work in Communications & Marketing and the VCC, sometimes at the same time!

My aim is to encompass many visual styles and transmedia techniques in my work! This is to reflect not only experience gained in the individual software, but also my upbringing as a digital artist obsessing over many, many, many inspirations with their own visual identities. 
March 2021 - Current
Content Creator at Georgia Southern University's Auxiliary Services

February 2022 - May
Mentee in Georgia Southern's Eagle Mentorship Program
Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 President's List
Spring 2022 Dean's List
Spring 2021 Form & Exhibition Showcase​​​​​​​
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